How Healthy Is Your Home? According to the EPA outdoor pollutants can be 2-5x more concentrated indoors where you and your family spend 90% of your time. The next few questions will provide important clues about what might need to be improved in your home. How many people live in your home? 1-3 4 or more Are there any pets in your home? None 1 2 or more Are there certain rooms, or areas in your home that are consistently hotter or colder than the rest of the house? Yes No Does your home feel dry in the winter and/or humid in the summer? Yes No Have you ever had your home's indoor air quality tested? Yes No Most people equate a home that smells like cleaning products with a healthy home. That isn't always true. If you are cleaning with chemical products, vacuuming without a HEPA filter, or even burning scented candles you may be making your air much less healthy and introducing allergy and asthma triggers. Do you use Clorox Bleach or Lysol cleaning products in your home? Yes No Do you use plug in or spray air fresheners? Yes No Do you notice a lot of dust on surfaces inside your home? Yes No Have you ever had a pest issue (mice, rats, roaches, or other pests) in your home, to the best of your knowledge? Yes No Excess or uncontrolled moisture is one of the most ignored and damaging events that can happen to your home – causing odors, mold, and structural damage, sometimes in as little as 24 hours. Moisture can also accumulate from routine, everyday activities - like cooking, bathing, even breathing - and combine with other factors in your home in surprising ways. Do you notice any unpleasant/musty odors or smells anywhere in your home? Yes No Do your bathroom fans and kitchen oven range hood fan operate properly with proper venting to the outside to the best if your knowledge? Yes No Have you ever noticed condensation on your walls, ceilings or windows anywhere inside your home? Yes No To the best of your knowledge, have you ever had an issue with mold in your home? Yes No The next set of questions help us understand the possible impact that the conditions in your home might be having on your health and quality of life. Does anyone in your home experience chronic colds, coughs, sneezing or any other health issue on a frequent or ongoing basis? Yes No Does anyone in your home have allergies, asthma, or another respiratory illness or sensitivity? Yes No Does anyone in your home often feel fatigued and/or have trouble sleeping? Yes No Leave this field blank