Transforming your house into an energy-efficient Healthy Home™

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Happy, healthy couple Westchester, NY

If you find yourself not sleeping well and constantly waking up with sore throats, having to hold your breath as you walk into your basement or shivering when it’s cold outside, but your thermostat is set to 72 degrees, you’re not alone. Many homeowners in Northern Westchester and Putnam County are experiencing the same problems.

Healthy home evaluation, Westchester, NY

At Healthy Home™ Energy & Consulting, we want you to receive the greatest possible benefits from your home. Unfortunately, too many houses are ripe with problems including uncomfortable temperatures, drafts, musty odors, excess moisture and indoor air pollution. If you’ve been suffering at home due to discomfort, illness or simply even high energy bills, a Healthy Home™ Evaluation can help.
