Transforming your house into an energy-efficient Healthy Home™
Signs a Home is Underinsulated videographic header image
April 30, 2024


How can someone tell if their home is underinsulated? Insulation prevents heat from moving between the inside and outside of your home - and is directly related to the overall efficiency and health of your home. If you experience inconsistent temperatures between rooms or floors, your home is drafty, or you have moisture and mold issues — a lack of insulation is likely to blame. Schedule a healthy home evaluation with Healthy Home Energy & Consulting and learn how your home can benefit from our whole home solutions and healthy home upgrades.

How can you tell if your home is underinsulated?
Inconsistent temperatures
Indoor drafts
Moisture/mold issues
Schedule a healthy home evaluation | 914-242-9733

How can you tell if your home is underinsulated?

Schedule a healthy home evaluation!


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